Join the Heart of the Sun—Immersive gestures using Dṛṣṭi for inquiry
Weaving Yoga + Tarot—An Immersive Tarot Spread Using the Sun Salute. PLUS in-person yoga sessions next week; last night was Maha Śivarātrī and now the New Moon + the One Footed Goat!
Heya folks..

This upcoming week
I’ll be assisting practitioners in the Mysore program at 9th Limb Yoga in Moro Bay, California, substituting for a few weeks while my friend Khristine is in Sri Lanka and India. Come join us.
Later this month I’ll be debuting some new work integrating Tarot and Yoga—called HEART OF THE SUN: An Immersive Tarot Spread Using A Sun Salute. I’ve been working with this for many years now so I’m excited to share it with you. It’s pretty simple, but there’s also a lot packed into the resonant praxis.
It’ll be a hybrid class, so you can attending in-person or online from anywhere. Recordings will be made available for later review.
A few notes—
Bring your yoga mat, a deck of your favorite Tarot cards, a pen and notebook.
The Sun salute journey has nine separate points on the path containing three sets of component gestures: Preparation, the Journey, and the Return/Integration.
It's a Tantra in that it ‘weaves together’ threads of India's deep and profound yogic tradition alongside the 'Western' Magical tradition of divination using the Tarot cards as an oracle.
Last night!
Mahaśivarātrī was last night! Friday night (in the USA and similar timezones). It's the night of wakefulness. Support your local temples!
e.g., Broome Street Ganesha Temple | Donate here.
Namarupa Magazine launched years ago with many fabulous articles about this great night of Lord Shiva. | Purchase here.
Shri Gurudev Mahendranath's The Story of an Eternal Festival
SHIVARATRI by Sri Swami Sivananda
GENERAL READING: Beautiful lightening across across the sky, a good time for looking back, reflecting.
The exact New Moon moment happens very early Sunday morning in California (Sunday, March 10 at 1am). Sun and Moon will share the second pada of the Purvabhadrapada star cluster, a Jupiter-ruled nakashatra that is generally seen in a benevolent light—beautiful, auspicious, blessed, gracious and happy, like watching a thunderstorm from the porch.
There’s a beyond-binary notion here, a sattvic gesture, involving a unity of the Sun and Moon, light and dark, hot and cold, fire and water. The deity here is the strange and mythic Aja Ekapada, the one-footed goat, who has a penchant for disasters, has been symbolized by lightening from the sky, heralding an apparent calamity. Purva Bhadrapada also features a quality of taking time to look backwards, existentially, to reflect and contemplate.
THE NATURE of the mysterious Vedic god called Aja Ekapäda, the one-footed or one-legged goat, has been explained in different ways. Roth, taking aja, not as "goat", but as "driver", sees in him the storm. Bergaigne, taking aja as "unborn", thinks he is the unborn god who dwells in the isolated world, in the place of mystery. Hardy finds in him the moon; Oldenberg, the mythical figure of a goat which holds apart the worlds. Macdonell suggests that the lightning is meant, the " goat" alluding to its agile swiftness in the cloud-mountains, and the one foot to the single streak which strikes the earth. —The Indic God Aja Ekapad, the One-Legged Goat by P. E. Dumont, Journal of the American Oriental Society (1933)
In May, 2024, I’ll be teaching in Nosara, Costa Rica at Casa Nosara.
I will briefly be visiting Los Angeles in late March, after Moro Bay. Then onward to New Mexico for April. If anyone wishes to set up some impromptu classes or private sessions during these times, please contact me!
More soon. Much love. Om.
with peace and in devotion in our shared hearts
towards kindness, towards mutual support and looking out of each other,
cultivating our creative forces, our inner fires
evermore towards the sublime